Medical and surgical consultations
Preventative care: Timeous diagnosis, recognition and treatment of your pets’ health problems greatly increases their lifespan
o Annual health examinations, including dental assessments
o Vaccinations and deworming
o Tick and flea control
o Senior wellness programmes
o Weight management
Pre emigration testing according to owner’s pet travel agency requirements
Fully equipped theatre with gas anaesthesia and anaesthetic monitoring equipment
Wide range of general surgical procedures:
o Head, ears, eyes
o Skin and soft tissues
o Abdomen, intestines, rectal, urinary
o Joints
o Cancers/tumors
o Wounds
Lab Diagnostics
Extensive range of in house diagnostic facilities, ensuring quick turn around time for detailed laboratory test results:​
Microscopy for:
Blood smears
Faecal examinations
Urine analysis
Skin scrapings
Impression smears of discharges and fine needle aspirates
Virus testing
Comprehensive automated blood testing laboratory equipment for blood chemistries, electrolytes and full blood counts
Diagnostic Imaging
Wide range of imaging procedures and tests available via:
X-rays, networked through the hospital
Ultrasound scanning
GIT endoscopy
Access to MRI and CT scans
Hospital Care
SAVC accredited hospitalisation facility:
Heated, well ventilated hospital wards
Medical care and treatments
Fluid therapy/iv infusions
Automated infusion pumps for intravenous drips
Observation and monitoring of sick animals
Post surgical care and recovery
Post treatment bathing
We offer a full range of routine dental care for dogs and cats.
This includes:
Mouth and tooth assessments
Scaling, cleaning and polishing
Infection control
These procedures need to be performed under a general anaesthetic
Comprehensive range of medications and drugs for in house use and dispensing of prescription drugs to clinic patients
Range of over the counter tick and flea preparations, de-wormers, shampoos etc
Prescription pet foods
Preventative Products
Tick, flea and mange products
Routine and medicated shampoos
Behavioural pheromones and calmers